5 best indoor plants in India
5 best indoor plants in India

5 best indoor plants in India

Are you wondering how to add greenery to your home? Are you interested in knowing which indoor plants are easiest to grow in the Indian household? We, at Greenium, have come up with the list of the 5 best indoor plants best suitable for the Indian climate. They are not only easy to grow but also brighten up your interiors. Additionally, they purify all that state air and poisonous gases, leaving you fresh every day.

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Peace Lily

All of us wish to live a life filled with contentment and peace. Peace Lily is known universally for these aspirations. So, bring this indoor plant home today and let the elegant dark green leaves soothe your soul and calm you down at the end of a stressful day.

Plus, let the fragrant flowers help you beat those allergies as it cleans the air at your home of contaminants such as formaldehyde, xylene, benzene etc. The Peace Lily plant requires little sunlight and lives best in shade. Keep the plant moist and water it if it goes dry. Preferably, it needs to be water only once a week.

Buy Peace Lily plants now from Greenium online nursery from this link:

Snake plant

It is commonly known as Mother in law’s tongue. The ornamental value of the snake plant adds a dash of beauty to your house which makes it an ideal indoor plant for Indian households. It has superior air purification qualities and requires minimal care and also removes various toxins present in the air. The snake plant is one of the few plants that remove carbon dioxide at night so we can say it continues to clean the air in your house even when you go to sleep at night.

It flourishes both under bright and low sunlight and even can survive in dry poor soil conditions. Make sure not to over-water the plant as their roots are prone to rotting. It is sufficient to water the plant only once in several months in winter.


Ferns are referred to as one of the oldest species of plants on earth. This is a plant that was around on earth before you and your ancestors were even born. It belongs to a group of vascular seeds that bear neither flower nor seeds.

Provide your house with an ornamental value with a lush green canopy of leaves. Additionally, they are helpful to remove chemical pollutants from the atmosphere and heavy metals, for example, arsenic from the soil.

Plastic pots are suitable instead of clay ones as they retain moisture better. Don’t keep the plant near vents and fans to prevent it from drying out. It flourishes well in low light conditions so keep it under a North or East facing window. Choose a soil mix with a high organic content like a good peat moss mix as it needs to be moist and well-drained. Over-watering leaves the fronds yellow.

Money plant

The plump, round flat leaves of the money plant actually look like coins so bring this plant home and scratch your imagination a bit to visualize boring money on plants. Money plant has attractive leaves, requires little care and effectively removes indoor pollutants like formaldehyde and benzene.

In addition, a common belief is that you will run neither sort of money while the plant thrives in your house. Since it thrives in humidity, you could choose to place it in a bright, steamy bathroom but keep the plant away from drafts of wind as it can lead to leaf loss.

Make sure to avoid direct sunlight as the leaves can get scratched but place the plant in low light. Try to pick a sandy peat moss-based soil as that allows good drainage of water because root rot sets in easily. There is no need to water this plant more than once a week regardless of what kind of environment you live in.

Jade plant

The Jade plant is an extremely low-maintenance plant that can be grown in India. It is also known as the money tree, friendship tree and lucky plant. It is a great choice to bring home as it is believed to bring good luck to its owner. This plant can be grown easily under extreme drought conditions and requires little watering. You can water it monthly during winters. Just keep the plant near a window in your home and you can afford to forget about it but water the plant once a week during summers if kept indoors.

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